Our Unique Features
Evaluation in detail
At Gradehunt, test papers are evaluated in a comprehensive manner by experts CAs with 7+ years experience.
Score on Presentation
Presentation is the most important factor which will boost at least 10-12 marks in each exam. So we give a detailed score on presentation and ways to improve it.
Detailed Comments
We give comments and suggestions on each and every part of the question, so that the same mistake is not repeated in the final exam.
Stepwise Marking
In CA, CS and CMA Professional exams, stepwise marking is done. We also follow the same approach, and suggested answers are also given with a stepwise marking scheme.
Doubt solving support
For each test attempted, you can ask doubts in evaluation and connect with the faculty; we answer all your doubts in 24 hours.
Quick Evaluation
Our team efficiently checks all the answer sheets in less than 48 hours. Speedy checking of sheets further helps a student improve performance and learn from mistakes.
All India Ranking
Providing a rank for each test helps a student to know where they stand among their peers and motivates them to work even harder.
Topper’s Sheet
For each test written, the student who scores the highest marks has their sheet shared with all the students writing that test, providing an opportunity for collective learning and improvement.
Important Notes and MCQ
We share subject-wise notes and MCQ for all the subjects, so that students can get all the material under one roof, eliminating the need to scroll through telegram and social media searching for notes and material.
Mentorship Program
We also provide a mentorship program, where you can interact on a one-on-one basis with expert Chartered Accountants throughout your CA exam journey.